Brute Norse Podcast Ep. 22: The Bronze Age Flasher (With Aksel Klausen)


In this smoking hot episode of the BN Pod, Aksel Klausen returns for banter-filled spitballing on ancient Scandinavia and new old news from European prehistory. Like, Whatever happened to that frickin’ viking ship (?) from episode 14, and what's up with these Viking Era mortuary houses?

Some of the subjects tackled this time around:

- The Crossroads exhibit at the Art & History Museum, Brussels.
- Migration period identity.
- Aksel's time travel hitlist.
- Preliminary results from the Gjellestad ship excavation.
- Democratization of Viking burial practice.
- A phallic stone from Bronze Age Sweden.
- Iron Age mortuary houses.
- Eirik's dream burial.
- Hollow promises of future podcast subjects.
- The afterlife, reincarnation, and Germanic naming conventions.

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Some topical links for this episode:

Help name the new moons of Saturn:

Why are adult daughters missing from ancient German cemeteries?…rman-cemeteries

The Crossroads exhibit at the Art & History Museum, Brussels:

The recent Gjellestad ship excavations:…king-ship%21.html

"The Rollsbo Penis":…ollsbo-bronze-age

A recently excavated Viking Era mortuary house:…ingtiden-1.14707210

Brute Norse Podcast Ep. 14: The Archaeology of Evil Dead


Archaeologists have recently stumbled upon a never before heard 14th episode of the Brute Norse Podcast, so without further ado: It’s another episode of the Brute Norse Podcast!

In this episode, Eirik and Aksel catch up after several months of disconnect and get up to speed with some of their favorite archaeological news of 2018. They speculate on the contents of prehistoric alcoholic beverages, muse on recent incidents on North Sentinel Island, analyze Danish gang wars in light of warlike honor-shame societies and Norse sexual defamation, look at the so-called Staffordshire hoard helmet, and find some odd historical parallels to the Evil Dead franchise.

Other topics more-or-less covered:
- The Jellestad Viking Ship
- Hot tips for budding criminals who hate the past
- The oriental black market
- Norse dilemmas: Which is worse - Being flakey, or being a murderer?
- Dwarf children?!
- Prostitution in the legendary sagas
- Digital chess in the legendary sagas
- Body horror in the legendary sagas
- Exciting new research on the guldgubber

Like the skaldic poets of old, Brute Norse endures and prospers at the generous mercy of warlords and kleptocrats such as yourself, so why not have peek at the Brute Norse Patreon page? And while we’re at it, check out some of the rad new additions to the Teespring store.
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